Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reaction Essay (WWI)

World War 1 was filled with deceptions, disease, battle, bad conditions, and death. The trench warfare was horrible for both sides of the field. So many different aspects came in to play whether it be gas or insects. The war was filled with such disaster it is almost impossible to describe, you have to experience it. An example of this is being stuck in trench's with water up to your armpits, so exhausted of moving in the mud that some people even drowned in it. There were so many problems and only two possible solutions.

Some of the problems of this war was that there was little to no movement, it was nonstop trench warfare stuck trying to push each other back or destroy them. There was a lot of disease spreading around the trench's like wild fire such as trenchfoot. The battles were very deadly with the nonstop firing of shells, use of gas, and other deadly tactics to stop the other enemy. There were so many bad conditions lying within this war such as lice. The death amount was tremendous for both sides, bodies would be stacked up all around both lines trench's. These are all aspects of the very deadly "war to end all wars."

In conclusion, World War 1 was very disastrous in multiple different areas. The death amounts on both sides proves just how bad the fighting and disease really was. It's surprising that some people ended the war and lived through all of it. All of the factors such as disease, battles, and bad conditions all contributed to the ugliness. It could be debatebly the worst war of all time.

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