Sunday, March 7, 2010

Diary Entree #3

Diary Entree

Dear Mom and Dad,

It’s February 19th 1917, 6:41 PM, on the Western Front. The winter out here is absolutely horrible! It’s a constant struggle to get enough clothes just so one’s blood doesn’t freeze in their veins. Winter out here lasts from October to April, it is practically never ending. Rain, snow, and sleet alternate from day to day. We try to provide heat in the dugouts to try to warm up. It gets so steamy in there that some people have been reported to have died from asphyxiation. Now they are trying to send us all of this special clothing to warm us up. These fur undercoats were just issued to us. They help a little bit but the cold is still almost unbearable. Two of my friends have died from nephritis which affects the kidneys. This cold is what causes that horrible disease. There has been so many cases already, I’m scared that I might be the next one to get it.
These winters almost never stop, and the cold is the worst thing I have ever endured. It makes these war conditions even worse. It is below freezing day after day. I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I’m sure I’ll die any day now. All of my friends are dieing around me, and a lot of the deaths are associated with the cold. These conditions are horrible. I can’t wait for summer time to come around. You have no idea how much pain we go through day after day. I hope I get to see you two soon. I’ll write to you again soon.


Aaron Thompson

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