Sunday, March 7, 2010

Diary Entree #2

Diary Entree

Dear Friends & Family,
It’s September 1st 1914, 8:54 PM, on the Western Front. So far today, it hasn’t stopped raining. It has been raining nonstop for the past 5 days. This rain is basically our new enemy, especially since we’re almost at sea level. I had to stand ankle deep in mud all day today. I am so exhausted, each step is a major effort for all of us out here. I hear that towards the front they have to stand for days on end up to their waists or even their armpits in freezing water. A couple of men have already died of exhaustion. Some have been so tired that they drowned in the mud. My friend in our trench was so badly wounded that he ended up drowning in the mud yesterday. The weather conditions out here are horrible.
I don’t know if I can stand it any longer. I’m so exhausted and have no more strength. I do not know how much longer I will be alive, it seems like I could die any minute. The mud makes it almost impossible to move. So whenever we are getting shelled it is extremely hard to get out of the way. I heard from an officer that the rain isn’t going to stop anytime soon. That will make this mud even worse. I’m also freezing out here, the rain is almost unbearable. Our great coats suck up the water and can get up to 34 pounds! Also I have to carry about 60 pounds of equipment. This rain and mud is so unpleasant it makes the war even worse than it already is. I love all of you and miss you! I just hope we can end this absolutely dreadful war.
Joey Swanson

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