Monday, October 19, 2009

Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?

No, the Founding Fathers were not Democratic Reformers. There are a few reasons behind my opinion. A lot of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention held substantial amounts of continental securites that would sharply increase in value if a strong national government were established. Also, most Americans could not vote because they did not own property and so the ratification was nonrepresentative and nondemocratic. During the revolution the Founding Fathers had no design for a democracy they just wanted to throw off the yoke of British rule. They were an elite group of northern money interests and southern slaveholders that used Shay's Rebellion to create a strong central government which protected property rights of the rich. Therefore the Founding Fathers were not Democratic Reformers.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where i was, 9/11

I was 8 years old and in 3rd grade at cooper elementary school when the tragic event occurred. I remember i was sitting in Mrs. Alexovich's class when we all received the news. They told us that the twin towers were hit during a terrorist attack, I didn't really know at the time what truly had happened so it didn't affect me as much as it should've. Some of the other kids on the other hand actually new what had happened and the teachers were all devastated. The class had a tv so they turned it on and we could see the towers on the television. A couple of people were crying but i wasn't sure why. That is how i recall the attacks on September 11, 2001.